The cavalier or rider is a person on horseback, wearing a riding hat and coat with tails. Presumably this person is male, but it is left ambiguous by various different illustrations on the card. It possibly could be a woman with a short hair cut, like an Amelia Earhart style, or a woman who has her hair tied up underneath. The person is slender and in good physical shape.
The card symbolizes news, and can bring up visions of days in the past where elaborately dressed riders delivered important news on horse back. Generally this card means that the news will be positive although it could be positive or negative depending on other cards that come up in combination with it. Have you ever felt that feeling where you know that something is about to happen? This card can also be referring to a liaison, or someone who is on your team or side and trying to help you through life. How many times have you watched a movie or opera where the protagonist was aided by a helpful messenger? The cavalier could be someone in your army, a friend by your side, faithful companion, or loyal person on your team.
The tree symbolizes life. You’ll often hear of the “circle of life” as it relates to humans or the animal kingdom. The “Tree of Life” is a popular attraction at the Animal Kingdom park at Disney World, and the “Circle of Life” is also the title of a very popular African song from the Disney Channel movie and musical “The Lion King.” The “tree” is also a Yoga pose, which teaches us balance. The tree is just like humans, it breathes air, drinks water, stands tall, and provides life. It reproduces. It can grow tall and strong, but it also has the ability to grow weak and die. The tree is probably just as representative of the stages of human life as any animal. There is a reason that we make our “family trees” based on the shapes and patterns of a tree and it’s branches. Trees can indicate a sign of growth, that you’re pregnant or expecting a baby, or that your family is growing in other ways.
Trees can also indicate that you’re not stable in your root systems. You may have weak roots, or not be sturdy enough in your foundation. Most of the time this indicates that you need to change your financial habits, but it also can mean that you need to make social changes or lifestyle changes as well. Tyler Perry is a comedian who does an act called “Madea”, where he dresses up as a grandmother and talks about how people in your life are like parts of a tree. The leaves blow away at the first sign of trouble, and the branches pretend like they’re your good friends but break whenever you need to lean on them. The roots are with you for life and you only have a few, but they’ll never leave you.
Because the tree is most commonly a sign of life or health, and the cavalier is a sign of impending news, when the two are combined it means that you will soon receive information or news regarding your health. This could be a diagnosis, test results, news of some kind of a cure, or any other such news. It could also be news of paternity testing and literal life. Whatever the news is that you’re about to receive, it will speak to your health or the health of someone very close to you.
The Cavalier is represented by the number 1, and the tree is represented by the number 6. When we combine them we get the number 7.
The Number 7 — Seven is often considered lucky. Many people choose to get employ dates with 7’s as their anniversary or wedding dates. Recently, 07/07/07 was a big wedding day where hundreds of thousands of couples got married all over the world. You also see lucky number 7 on casino advertisements and as a winning spin on slot machines. In time, 7 can refer to the 7th day, 7th month, or 7 years. Or also combinations of years, like 2017.
When combined with the Cavalier and Tree cards, the number 7 hopefully indicates that your health news will be good, but it may also indicate 7 days until the news, or 7 weeks, or 7 months. This could be the time that your sickness will last, or the amount of time until you understand the diagnosis. It could refer to a sickness in your limbs. It could also refer to a 7 pound baby or 7 month or year course of treatment.
Anything that you can do to contribute to your health is of the utmost importance today. Taking vitamins, exercising, watching your diet, and not doing anything harmful to your body is a must today. Whatever the news will be you want to make sure that your body is in the state to accept it, and to make the news go in your favor.
“I will be receiving news of an upcoming change in my health. I will do everything in my power to fight or treat the illness if it is bad news, and I will be appreciative if it is good news. I will continue to care for my body and for those around me to the best of my abilities each day.” Repeat this affirmation 2-3 times today.