13 Child (J♠)

Today's Overview:

The child, in your case, means that you are about to experience a rebirth. Something fresh and new is coming to you, and it may take a couple of months to get here but it will change your entire life.

This could be a new job, or new work environment. It could even mean a new city or home. Regardless of the change in your life— the card featuring the child reminds us to look at all new things as optimistic challenges.

A child does not become angry because it cannot master his first steps, he simply learns to walk, because it is the thing that he must do in order to survive.

The most important thing about this card is that the challenges should be embraced with a youthful optimism and light-hearted energy. Change can be delightful. We hear often that optimists see the glass half full, while pessimists see the glass as half empty. Have you ever heard that old saying before? Well guess what, there’s a third group of people, who drink the water, so there is no longer a problem.

The point is that while life and change is not in your control; you are not the barista or bartender who served up the original glass, you certainly have it in your power to decide what to do with the water! Life is what we make it, so let’s make it right.

The Number 13

The number 13 is often seen as an unlucky number but this is not the case. Did you think of broken mirrors and black cats when you heard it? The number suggests that you should be prepared, but it does not necessarily indicate something bad is coming— that’s just a negative connotation given to the number by folklore and the media.

13 indicates change and the more prepared you are for this new change, and the better you embrace it, the more positive it will be. Of course, a little luck couldn't hurt, so you should make sure to get a reading for your lucky numbers at http://www.authenticnumerology.com/luckyno. Taylor Swift considers the number 13 her lucky number. She was born on the 13th, celebrated her 13th birthday on the 13th, and she has stated that any awards show where she has been seated in the 13th seat or row, she has won. She also has songs go to #1 more often when they have a 13 second introduction, or debut on the charts as #13.

It is important that you find out what lucky numbers are working for you in your life, and use those to your advantage. The lucky number reading will be a wonderful step to move you into the right direction.

Today's Action Steps:

Besides the reading for lucky numbers, you should think about the change that is coming into your life and make a list of what makes this list positive and negative. Then look at the negative factors and try to find a positive in each of them.

Make another pros and cons list and see those positives stack up! Like an infant baby, you don’t yet have the tools needed to succeed and thrive through this change— but you will. The key to helping a baby is to have all the necessarily tool in place as well as a support system of people to help and the same system should apply to you. This is going to be a beautiful fresh new time, and you should be prepared so that down the line, you can enjoy every single second of it. You should make sure each room in your home and office is clean and tidy, that paperwork is filed away, and that things are organized and where you need them to be. When the change arrives, you may not have time to get your things in order!


“Repeat this to yourself 2-3 times per day, in a mirror. “Change is going to come, and it’s up to me whether it’s positive or negative. I need to make sure that I have the support system and tools in place to embrace the change, and be ready for the positive good it brings into my life.”

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